The Airport Working Group of Orange County, California (AWGOC) is a volunteer-run community group that has helped reduce local airport noise since 1982. We are one of four signatories to the landmark John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement, which sets strict limits on commercial aviation in OC, including noise limits, a time curfew, and annual passenger limits. The JWA Agreement is one-of-a-kind in the country. AWGOC has the legal authority and therefore the responsibility to defend and enforce the Agreement for the benefit of our community.
As the Agreement comes up for renewal, our work is as urgent as ever. We continue to work with officials across government and the aviation industry to maintain the JWA Agreement and to implement solutions to further reduce airport noise and improve our community's quality of life. To receive updates on our events and newsletters, and the latest in aviation news, please join our mailing list below.
As a non-profit, we are grateful to the generous donors who keep our work going.
Airport Working Group of Orange County, Inc. • 1048 Irvine Avenue, PMB 467 • Newport Beach, CA 92660